


Install qbittorrent-nox on Ubuntu and start it.


To use Qbittorrent Web UI on Linux, you don't need to install the full Qbittorent desktop application. There is a terminal-based Qbittorrent application available called Qbittorrent-Nox.

Note: The Web UI functionality is not limited to the Qbittorrent-Nox application, it can also be used with the traditional Qbittorent Linux desktop application.

Installing qbittorrent#

Installing the add-apt-repository command#

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y

Adding the PPA software source for qbittorrent-nox#

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable

Installing qbittorrent-nox (webui version)#

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qbittorrent-nox

Setting up auto-start#

Using rc.local#

If you are using Ubuntu 16.10 or later, you need to follow the instructions in the following article to set up auto-start after completing the steps below.

Setting up auto-start script for Ubuntu 18.04
In Ubuntu versions before 16.10 (excluding), the methods used were update-rc.d and rc.local to set up auto-start...

Edit the rc.local script

nano /etc/rc.local

Add the following content before "exit 0" (on the line above) and save

qbittorrent-nox -d

Using custom service creation#

Create a system service

sudo apt-get install nano -y && nano /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-nox.service

Paste the following content and save.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/qbittorrent-nox -d


Start qbittorrent-nox and create the service configuration

systemctl start qbittorrent-nox

Set qbittorrent-nox to start automatically on boot

systemctl enable qbittorrent-nox

Check the status of qbittorrent-nox

sudo systemctl status qbittorrent-nox

Default username: admin Password: adminadmin
Default login URL: ip:8080

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