


Vps iptables Open Port Settings in Oracle Bone Script

Open ports in Oracle's web backend

Open all ports in iptables#

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -F

Oracle's built-in image has default Iptable rules, disable it#

sudo apt-get purge netfilter-persistent && sudo reboot

Test if the ports have been opened


Force delete rules#

sudo rm -rf /etc/iptables && sudo reboot

Remove oracle-cloud-agent to prevent Oracle monitoring#

snap remove oracle-cloud-agent

Check firewall service status#

sudo systemctl status iptables.service
sudo systemctl status netfilter-persistent.service

Remote check port open status#

nmap ip or domain

Note 2 (Open specific ports):#

Open specific ports in iptables#

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

The middle part, 80, is the port that needs to be opened, and tcp is the transmission protocol

Save rules#


With the above command, we have opened the specified port, but if the server restarts at this time, the above rules will be lost, so we need to perform a persistence operation on the rules

Install iptables-persistent#

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

Persist rules#

sudo netfilter-persistent save
sudo netfilter-persistent reload
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